is it you?

Repost: from my old fs blog dated July 3, 2009 ... (i will always remember this post as this is the 1st time i received a comment from my Love)

im happy for what we are now, good friends, caring friends, and loving friends… i know for now i can’t have you coz you’re with someone else… but ill be waiting for your heart and your love… im willing to sacrifice the minutes, the hours, the days, the weeks and the months just to have you in my arms…

it is hard as well coz we are on different worlds, different understandings, different teachings… but what i feel for you is more than the barriers between us… its hard to accept these things… its hard to sleep to think of these things… but i feel its you…

i am sorry coz i saw in you is just a friend i can lean on… i am sorry coz i was looking at a wrong direction… i am sorry for not seeing you… but it is over now and i have moved on coz of the hurt that is inside me…


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