Sports is Fun!
EURO 2012 just concluded, with Spain prevailing as Champions! And yes, I'm ecstatic over their win because I bet for them! It was not much... but it was fun betting especially when I win!
Euro 2012 Champions - Spain!
Now, the next major sporting event is the London Olympics 2012! Betting? Nope! But, if I had the time I would watch the games I remember when I was young that I would be rushing to come back home and watch the games, no matter what sports they are featuring. I even read the newspapers and see who is number 1 in the ranking. It was fun because I learned a lot of sports and because of this I wanted to know and play most of them.
London Olympics 2012 Official Logo
I was a sports fanatic and I started at a young age. I played for fun, became serious for some, and even became a sports writer for our school paper. It was the thrill of winning and enjoying the camaraderie that got me hooked into sports. Among the sports I played when I was young were basketball, volleyball, badminton, track and field, table tennis, tennis, baseball, softball, and football (soccer).
It was watching the PBA and NBA that made me play so much of basketball when I was a kid, I even asked my Dad to have a basketball court at our backyard. Of course, I had one and until now it is still there. I played basketball when I was in elementary until my first year of high school. But because I didn't grew up like my classmates, I needed to find some other sports.
Samboy "Skywalker" Lim
One of my favorite PBA Players
Reason why I wanted to jump higher!
It was then I was introduced to volleyball. There was a varsity try-out in our school at that time, I tried out and luckily I made the cut. Though I was short, I guess our coached believed in me that I can play well. i was happy with it and learned a lot from my first coach and I ought to her most of the things I learned in volleyball. Being small, I would need to improve my leaping ability and so I did!. So, I was know in our class a high leaper.
Mireya Luis
One of my favorite players in the Cuba Volleyball Team
and My Favorite Team too
Each year we would play in the inter-school tournament and though until I was in the third year, I was just the second setter, it didn't deter me to improve my skills in volleyball. Then the time came that I was the first setter for our team and it also the time that we became the champion in the inter-school tournament for the first time. Its not all about me of course, but it was the most memorable experience I had being in the volleyball varsity.
I wanted to play other sports and I began to play badminton seriously. Though I played it for fun before, I decided I wanted to be part of our varsity team. Thankfully, I made the cut and played until I became the head of the team. There was a time that I played in inter-school competitions where the winners will compete in STRAA (Southern Tagalog Regional Athletic Association) Meet. Though I end up losing the singles match because of strong winds and damp court, I was chosen by one of the organizers to play in STRAA. But, the reality became a dream, as my documents were lost in our school that was needed for me to play. I hated the person who was responsible for it, which distraught me until now.
I wanted to play other sports and I began to play badminton seriously. Though I played it for fun before, I decided I wanted to be part of our varsity team. Thankfully, I made the cut and played until I became the head of the team. There was a time that I played in inter-school competitions where the winners will compete in STRAA (Southern Tagalog Regional Athletic Association) Meet. Though I end up losing the singles match because of strong winds and damp court, I was chosen by one of the organizers to play in STRAA. But, the reality became a dream, as my documents were lost in our school that was needed for me to play. I hated the person who was responsible for it, which distraught me until now.

Peter Gade
One of my favorite players
Awesome drop shots and deceptive shots!
Now, I play badminton if I have a chance. Thanks to my mentors and friends in Saudi Arabia, I became serious again with the sports I love. I ought to them that I loved the game again. Kudos PBC!
Pinoy Badminton Club - Saudi Arabia
Maybe, when I have kids, I would introduce them to sports too... and that would be a different story!
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