Single Sentiment

Hello, my name is Single, Wild and Free... This line I knew from a colleague that I worked with before. It was my sentiment before, being unattached, she made me realize that I am free!

With another colleague, I never thought he would share the same sentiment as me. It was being happy to be single. It was quite funny as he told me the advantages of being single as I always say to people talking about me getting into a relationship.

Being a single man really has the advantages. I would need not ask someone what I can do and cannot do. I would be free to go whenever and wherever I want to be. I would need not be cautious of being with any friend, especially girls in every place.

But of course, I would think of being attached as well. The feeling of having someone special in my heart and fill the gaps in my heart and hers. As the quote says, I may be single, but in no way that I am weak. In fact, I am strong to wait for someone who deserves the love I can give.

But, I can't deny the fact that with 7 billion people in the world, and getting older by the minute... I am still single. I hope someday, I would be with the girl in my dreams.


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