Food Creationz - Fourth Edition

So, I end August with my three dishes and got off one from the list that I wanted to do for quite sometime now... Here it goes!

I got this inspiration from Instagram! I was fascinate with the charcoal burger and wanted to try it out myself. But that was different as it was made from a restaurant. When I saw charcoal buns in a bakery, I told myself I gotta do this charcoal sliders and here it is. My very own Charcoal Sliders with ready-made fries!

My second dish, is my Tuna Cream Fettuccine! I made this one before, the first one was just plain tuna and olive oil, thought it was good, there were improvements to be made. Having cream on my kitchen, I tried it and it worked!  

Finally, my Mechado! It's my first time to do this as I am really not into cooking Filipino beef dishes that much. But then again, it was a good first try and will just make adjustments next time I make it...

Again, thanks for reading my blog! Looking forward to post my food creationz for all of you!


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