How to Start My New Year!

To start with, I am not a big fan of making new year's resolutions! For me, it's just a list of something that I would eventually forget after the first month of the year and remember only when the year would end. Then I would realize that nothing from the list was done... OK! maybe 1 or 2. But then again, rather than making a list of things that I want to do or become better at, I would start my year with a verse!

A short, but powerful verse to start every day, week, month or year... is to "Let God direct your steps" Proverbs 3:6.

For 2013, I was lost in the woods and have not come close to seeking God's glory in the way that I have done before. I was too selfish even to God and I have forgotten to ask for His guidance and love. I came across hardships in the past year and I was too busy being remorseful. I forgot to pray to seek His forgiveness and thank Him for what He has given me. I pretended to enjoy my life, but deep inside I was rotting and burning. But, in the end God showed me the way in Christmas day that it is a joyful feeling to praise Him and love Him.

As the year 2014 is about to come, I would "Let God Direct My Steps" in my life. I will glorify and honor His name! I will reach out and pray for my sins and of the world. I will create a bundle of love in His name. I will find peace in my heart and forgive others as God has forgiven me. I will let God direct my life through His love for me. 

To all who reads this, may you find peace in your hearts.
"Let God Direct Your Steps"



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