A Rant!

It's either you let other people use you for your kindness or you would stop and get on with your life. 

I have been so used to just keeping myself keep quiet even people have been using me for a long time.  Whether they are old friends, new ones, or even people who hates me. Unfortunately for me, they just go a long as if they have no conscience. It looks like I just allow them to use what I have, even for people who hates me. I have been and until now used and abused. 

This rant is for the people who think I have a bank account with unlimited credit. Where they think that I can support even their daily needs to feed them. Well, the best part is how much I have given and nothing that they have contributed. It's not only about the money. It's about the work that I put in as well... I buy, I prep, I cook, I wash... everything! Ohhh yeah not everything... Except for the plate I didn't use to eat. 

I can keep everything for myself... but it's not who I am. Then again, no matter how long I wait... it will stay the same. I would still be doing every single thing! The worse part is, if everything is not finished... it would be thrown... And yes! It's my money going down the drain and not yours. Because someone's laziness is my cost and my living.

I don't earn to feed people who have no regards at all of having the initiative to do something. So, better yet! I just have my own... Nothing for people, who thought it's my charity house. I had enough already and it's about time for me to think for myself and not for people who have used my kindness for a long time. 

It's just me... and no one else... you are not my problem anyway! 

Just a rant! 


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