Month-End Reflections (January 2016)

A new start, a new year for me! New challenges coming my way that I would learn from, new relationships with people will arise, while others will fade away. New things to learn to do and continue the passion I have for my life. Looking forward for a special someone this year! Hoping I can find her and settle down soon.

Beginning the year, I enjoy listening to one song by Charlie Puth... "One Call Away" It keeps me going on through the day with a smile. As I am only one call away from you, whoever you are.

Though new year's resolutions are always something to look out for when starting the year, I ended up not doing for myself. Well, I never thought of my new year's resolution. What I just want to fulfill this year is to build my money empire, learn how to drive and have my own car, travel to Japan, and finally have a never-ending relationship.

So, my month-end reflections is about love, relationships, friendships and my health!

Why Am I Here?
I have been looking for that someone who will be my forever and settle down within the year. I know it's late, but I have been eager to have my life with someone who I can call my better-half. Something that crossed my mind several years ago, but with all the challenges I went through I am still single to date and I hope I'll be happier with my next relationship. I am here to pursue what I have not done before to live a happier live not only alone but with someone. So, why I am here for is to look for that special someone who would love me until the end, accepting my faults and our differences in our lives.

What Did I Learn This Month?
I learned that someone can hate me so much for telling the truth. I have been open to criticisms from others and I really don't care if people are talking behind my back. For me, a normal conversation and telling the truth about someone is not talking behind a person's back and I don't see anything wrong with what I said. In anyway, I would not change my ways because of one person as I never did want to offend someone. It is me, I am frank, sarcastic, and at times I can say mean things. I can be forceful on what I say, but it's because it's the truth. So, in life you can't please anybody, and I don't intend to.

Am I Carrying An Excess Baggage In This Month That Can Be Dropped?
As I read back my last month's excess baggage, it is all about being a nicer person, which I guess is harder than what I thought of. Well, for this month, I would try harder to be. The only thing is, if I am surrounded by people who pisses me off, what shall I do? Just leave it like that or just come myself down, breath, and think of what I will say. I just hope I can do better at this and be a better person in handling my anger with people around me.

What Is The Greatest Achievement I Did This Month? 
I am honored to be given the chance to be the host of our Annual Gathering, though it was not my first time to emcee an event, this was the first time that I did it on a stage and in a hotel. It was great feeling of working the room and likewise doing the spiel for the event. Though there were glitches (mostly technical and presentations), over-all it was a great evening. So, the theme was about Superheroes and I was the only one in a villain costume. During the event, I was likewise given the award of the Most Loyal and Dedicated Team Member of the Year, which was another great achievement for me for last year. But, I am glad that I hosted with pride and honor.

What Is the Biggest Time Sink I Did This Month?
Over-thinking of what if's in my relationship, though I want to settle down, I have been thinking so much of what my relationships will be with people I learned to like. I know already the answers, but still I doubt myself. I always doubt myself in being a person who can love someone and over-think that someone will not like me as I do. This drags me down to the point of being sleepless and hopeless. Well, I guess I need to push forward and look for someone who can truly love me for who I am.

What More Should I Do For Next Month?
Yes! What should I do more? I guess I can work out on my weight. I need to start eating in smaller portions and be wise in my eating patterns throughout the day. As I bought a smaller size pants and shirts that makes me a spring roll, I guess I have no choice but to slim down. I hate to exercise though, I don't have my badminton buddies here, so I need some other activities to make me fit. As of now, what I am thinking is to just change my eating patterns and I would have the results that I envision of myself, it would not be too much, but slimming down is not overnight!

Who Did I Help This Month?
As much as I needed help on my problems before ending this month which I am thinking of, I helped someone to be at ease of being a host. As I mentioned in my accomplishment, I became a host in our gathering and I did it with my colleague which is her first time to do so. Well, having the nerves and being it's first time, I needed to give a few tips to ease of the nerves and assisted her in doing dry runs over and over again. Even how the spiels are told, I would need to give her tips. Knowing it is hard to host event, I needed to assist in every way I can! Over-all she did well in hosting the event. In fact I did more mistakes than her in hosting as she was following the script better than me...

Whom Should I Say "Thank You" This Month?
I would like to say thank you to 3 ladies again as the same as last month. Now, is because of my problem with a relationship or if I would be in that relationship. Having their thoughts gave me an idea that it is better to back off and look for someone else who, in the end will be beneficial for both. It is great knowing friends who can share their thoughts about relationships. As much as want to be in a relationship, there are hindrances in some and would be difficult in the end. No matter how I love her, in the end it will not push through because of our faith. As my friend says, religion trumps love. I really never thought of converting, so it ends there. Though I am beginning to like her, it is something that would not last.


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