As My Vacation Ends...

Looks like I spent most of my vacation here in my place. I had things that needs to be done that is not yet finished and it's one of the things I just stayed in my house. Well, it's a blessing in disguise as I was able to do what I wanted to do... and that is to clear all the unnecessary things in the house and made it to my liking. A few things to be dealt with or things to buy and I will be having a good stay in my new decorated abode.

As I living alone right now, I have a few things I have started to clear and one of the areas that I wanted to start with is my kitchen, a few things left to be done, but over-all I am happy for the improvements I made. I need to buy a few things to make it better and I can cook better in my kitchen that includes this!

As much as I wanted to by Zwilling J.A. Henckels knives, it is quite expensive and I'm looking for a cheaper option that I can get my hands on. And a few more things and I would be happy with my kitchen.

As I have a huge empty space in my living room, I am planning to buy a few items that can compliment the color my light green walls (that I can't change), so the furniture that I need to purchase must go with the color theme. So, what is it?

I would need a dining table and a sofa that compliments that over-all feel of the room, though green is not the color that I want, it just happen that I can't change the color... So, I would need to work with it. I need a few more details and accessories with it and I would be really satisfied. I hope everything will work out fine.

Lastly, is my room... I am thinking of going to the smaller room and have the master's bedroom to be rented out. But then again, it defeats the purpose of me living alone. So, what will I do with the other two rooms? First, I would be having a room as my laundry room cum storage room. Well, I can't throw some of the items in the home as I don't know if it's the homeowner's property, so I need to keep it somewhere. I got a perfect room for it! 

And for the other one? I got to think about it some other time. So, I'm just waiting for ex-housemates to vacate the rooms and remove their things, so I can do magic in my place! Happy to be living alone! 


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