Letter to My Younger Self

Dear 12 year old Brian,

It looks like you wont be a professional athlete and you wont be married until I don't know when, but the good thing about your future you is you gained more confidence than you never even dreamed of and you have changed the lives of people around you. You should be proud of what you will accomplish! Kudos to you!

Yes, I know you are thinking that you would be happy with her, but in the end it wont be you and your Grade 2 first love. You will try to look for her, but it's really near impossible and you should have taken her contact before you lost her from your life. With all the girls you had crush will just be someone in your life that will make you happy for awhile. You would meet someone in high school that you would fall in love and because you are so shy you will not reveal that you love her even you were really close with her. You should have told her because she was really a very beautiful person, inside out. It's just you're too late to tell her until she closes the door for you totally.

Love was really not a big part of your life, you thought you would marry someone you found out of the Philippines, but because of the troubles you will face it will not end in a happy note. You should have taken care of yourself better and wiser to be pushed to the limit until you made one of the biggest mistakes you have ever made for love. And that is to keep your hands tied to her until even after I write this letter.

You kept living a lonely life and most of the times you are independent. You became the provider after your father, but you would have regrets in your life of loving your parents more, especially your mother. She loved you dearly and kept away yourself from her. And you wish to turn back time to be with her in her special days of her life while she was still alive. You will wish that you shown her more love than what you have shown her when you grew up. You will wish that you were with her during her last breath. But now, you just wish that you father would live longer and you can give him what you have not given your mother. The love of a son to his parents.

You will be successful in your career, you are now a trainer! You have been a lecturer in college, but until now, you have not started your own business. Unfortunately, you spent much of your money for irrelevant things in your life, you should have spent wisely for the money you earned to put up your own business. You still are hoping for a break and you just wish it will come soon. Don't fret, you are not only a good trainer, but a good motivator. People would like you or hate you, but you will not care for those you put you down because you know you are better than them.

You will meet a lot of people, you will travel across the world and you will live as you like without anyone telling you can't. You will stand on your own, you will be who you want to be, you will have the courage to be the man you can be. Along the way you will make mistakes, you will want to bring back time and do something about it, but you know it's all God's plan, whether a lesson or a gift, you will stay happy for what you are now.


Your Old You!


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