The Boys and Her
It seems that cupid is playing around with me again lately.
I have been browsing this dating site for a few months now and I had a few chats here and there, but nothing serious. It was all in good faith on looking for the right woman for me. I wouldn't know if it would work for me and I'm just again going with the flow. When I'm bored, I'd open it up, start new conversations to women I get attracted to and waits until someone replies.
And a few days ago, I had someone replied to my message and now we are in constant communication. We clicked the moment we talked. She like to cook pasta and eat burger... and so do I. She have friends who have amateur singers in the Philippines and I also have friends who are in here. She love to watch their gig, but she can't sing... and so do I. She was left by her special someone and I was too... thinking that it would work out and now we are happy that it ended already. And a few more things that we are alike.
But what makes me wonder why cupid is letting me get close to her, when we know it would not be possible in the end. Remember that she have that special someone? She was married and her husband left her 2 years ago for another woman. Now, she is a single parent with two boys.
Cupid! You all know that in a relationship, I want this to end in marrying the person I am willing to love, but why is it that you let me know her. And it seems that we are getting to know each other more day by day. So, what's the catch? Let me know! As I am just an aware of what is happening now. For now, we just enjoy our day to day chat, talking about each other's lives and me asking about her and her boys.
I need an answer... and I need it fast...
I have been browsing this dating site for a few months now and I had a few chats here and there, but nothing serious. It was all in good faith on looking for the right woman for me. I wouldn't know if it would work for me and I'm just again going with the flow. When I'm bored, I'd open it up, start new conversations to women I get attracted to and waits until someone replies.
And a few days ago, I had someone replied to my message and now we are in constant communication. We clicked the moment we talked. She like to cook pasta and eat burger... and so do I. She have friends who have amateur singers in the Philippines and I also have friends who are in here. She love to watch their gig, but she can't sing... and so do I. She was left by her special someone and I was too... thinking that it would work out and now we are happy that it ended already. And a few more things that we are alike.
But what makes me wonder why cupid is letting me get close to her, when we know it would not be possible in the end. Remember that she have that special someone? She was married and her husband left her 2 years ago for another woman. Now, she is a single parent with two boys.
Cupid! You all know that in a relationship, I want this to end in marrying the person I am willing to love, but why is it that you let me know her. And it seems that we are getting to know each other more day by day. So, what's the catch? Let me know! As I am just an aware of what is happening now. For now, we just enjoy our day to day chat, talking about each other's lives and me asking about her and her boys.
I need an answer... and I need it fast...
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