Wicked Night!
I guess so much of the old stuff i'm writing and comes in a new one. So much of the love things and back to reality, though it was the reality i was facing before, why not change my perspective in writing. My life before revolved in searching for love and i saw the love i was looking for but i was brokenhearted and until now i am.
Though now i am liking someone, it's better to be left unsaid 'coz there is a thing called friendship that i don't want to break. I just want to cherish the days we see each other, joke around and talk without any commitments.
So, back to what I want to share... I had a wicked night at work tonight, with fun and laughter, with the bumps and bruises, with the shattered glasses and splashes of water, with brewing coffee and blending milkshakes. Though I saw chaos, I saw hard work from my colleagues, and the name of the game tonight was TEAMWORK! Everybody helping out each other to provide exceptional service and excellent food & drinks on a timely manner.
I just hope it would be like this fun again at work, so my work would not be work 'coz i'm having fun.
Though now i am liking someone, it's better to be left unsaid 'coz there is a thing called friendship that i don't want to break. I just want to cherish the days we see each other, joke around and talk without any commitments.
So, back to what I want to share... I had a wicked night at work tonight, with fun and laughter, with the bumps and bruises, with the shattered glasses and splashes of water, with brewing coffee and blending milkshakes. Though I saw chaos, I saw hard work from my colleagues, and the name of the game tonight was TEAMWORK! Everybody helping out each other to provide exceptional service and excellent food & drinks on a timely manner.
I just hope it would be like this fun again at work, so my work would not be work 'coz i'm having fun.
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