then 2012 ends

it's been a year of looking at the past to move forward. It seems so odd, but it's true. My life in 2012 was living before to be in the present. So, let me start...

1. Work... I went back to my old company, though a different country it's the same old company where I learned things that I thought I wouldn't do in my career. It started off in January, a fitting start for a new career that I had passion with... training! But now, being in-charge of operations auditing it seems weird for me as I once was the good cop, in the good cop, bad cop scenarios (if you get what I mean).

2. Nanay... I beloved Mom. As another year passes by without you, I still have that moments that I wish you are here.... talking to me and just hearing your voice. I can still recall my last two calls, the call that you told me she is leaving soon and the call before her last breath. I remembered on her first year death anniversary, crying in Church... asking for forgiveness in every minute of my prayers.

3. Love... roller coaster rides, scary water slides with never ending twists and turns... I would still say that I wish I would be with the person I love the most, second to my Mom. I wish it would continue in a way that I dreamt of it... a true love in the making.

4. Money Matters... my goals was slashing my debts tremendously in the year 2012 and I did. Though I know it's still an uphill battle, I am surely up for the challenge. I have been planning for years of having my own business, truthfully, I was stubborn and had no passion because of my heavy loaded debts. But I am still hopeful I can start it off.

I just hope that in 2013, I would learn to enjoy the fruits of my labor...


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