I wanted this, but...

I wanted this, but I am sad because it is the truth. My life has never been that good. I have always been alone, sometimes strong, but most of them are sadness and insecurities. I lived my life without asking too much from people, even to my parents and it is what I wanted.

Most people think now, that I am strong. Most people think now, I can just walk up to people and ask them this or that, but none of them kn0w who I am since then. I am independent, but it doesn't mean that I long for relationships. I am independent, but it doesn't mean I don't need love and support of other people.

If you just know me, I am always doubtful of myself, I am nervous to talk to people I don't know, I am scared of the spotlight. It's just I am comfortable with the people I am with now and that's the reason you see me being one of the loudest persons in the group. Being the person with a strong personality, but most of the times I am weak.

I wanted to hide my special day in FB and I know that people wouldn't remember me, but I am sad because no one knew. Though I am happy for it because I know only a few persons who will not forget my special day. At the same time, I was sad because I did expect some people to know and never did. This just broke me. Well, thank you... that is all I can say to you all.

What I wanted as well was that someone would not greet me and not remember my special day, and thank goodness, I was not greeted by this someone. I wanted this and I got what I wanted out of it. This was the highlight of my special day. This made me happy. It really did.

But, for the people I call my family... thank you.


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