Food Truck Girl

One day, you were selling snacks for me and I just got hooked on how you smiled at me. It was one of the sincerest smiles I ever had for the longest of time that is better even than my ex.  You gave me a smile that makes me smile every time I think of it. I was just looking for something to eat in your food truck but I got much more because of the smile you gave me that day.

As the weeks went, I continue to buy from you and it was the same smiles you are giving me. I felt like going back, again and again. Every single day, I went to your food truck it was the same experience you gave me, but I never got bored of seeing you and getting a smile from you. But it's not only the smile you gave me, it's how your angelic eyes look at me.

As much as I wanted to look at you every single time, without you noticing me as you were busy in your food truck, I can see how your eyes are. Full of happiness that captures my heart in every single corner. I just see in your eyes, when you look at me the sincerity in your heart. It's all about having a connection when we look at each other. As the same as your smile, your eyes gives me chills and enjoyment.

The moment you talked to me of you leaving the place confused me. It confused me on why you told me, as I was stunned I can only think of one reply... it is that I know it already. I was both happy and sad at that time when you told me. I was happy because you told me that it would be your last day, like sort of reminding me it would be the last time I will see you and the sad part is, it would be the last time I would see you.

Being a man who already feel in love with you, I wanted to make you smile because of me. I wanted to give you something special, and I did. I gave you my number in my wildest dream that you will be calling me after the event. I was wishing you twould give buzz and telling me that it is you. I have been waiting for 4 days now, but nothing from you. Though I am sad that I never had even the chance to know your name, I am happy because a part of me asks me it can't be forever. Let's just say, it is really not meant to be, it's God gift letting me know that I can love again someone else, and it was you.

I am really thankful that I knew you, I am really thankful that you showed me the sincerity of your heart, I am thankful of your smiles that captured me heart, I am thankful that you made me fall in love again. It will be a bitter end as I am not expecting a call or message from you anymore, but I am happy because, I made you smile because I have fallen in love with you.

To my food truck girl, thank you and I love you! I hope we can see each other again... Some other time... In God's perfect time.


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