When You Love What You Are Doing

I have been losing the passion for the job that I loved for a long time, it's not because of the company or the people, but it's the interaction with the people. I have been losing the grasp of what makes me happy with my job, but I am not in the verge of leaving. Though the moments come in the most awkward moments that make me think that it is just as good as what I have imagined it to be like.

I became who I am now because of what I can share with people the passion, knowledge, skills and a few tips here and there. Well, the best moments are always the advice I give to people about their work and they put their hearts in what I say, and eventually will pursue it in the future. I have often times bashed for what I say and how I say things to and about other people. But, what makes me love what I am doing is how people will come up to me and ask my opinion on things.

I learned how to deal with all sorts of people from their work problems, family issues and other personal stuff. Something that I might have done before or what I went through are always the best to share to people who ask me advice. Well, all my experiences are my teacher in life and it has taught me a lot of how to deal with my problems and life. Things would come up and I would come up with solutions, but at times solutions comes days, weeks, or months after the problems exist. 

Recently, a person asked me what am I doing wrong in the company. The best advice I can give are...

1. Look into what you have done for the company, the work you have done, the success you have achieved, the things that you have contributed for the company. Why? Because these are things that people believe and trust you to do you work. Because these are the things that people see in you. You need to recognize your strengths and the achievements you have made. You need to be positive, so you will see the positive side of you. Though people can say things that you did, but you, yourself can truly understand what you have done for the company.

2. Look into what you can do more for the company, it is not that you have done wrong. But, it might just be something that you have not worked hard on it that is why it is stagnant. It might just be a skill set that you have not yet awakened and just needs a boost of encouragement. There is nothing wrong and you are not doing something wrong, it is just you have not done enough yet to prove that you are worth that person you want to be. Again, it is not something wrong, it is something you need to work out on. 

Life are full of challenges and likewise at work. When people bring you down, prove to yourself that you can do it. If you feel that you are not worth it, think of the things that you have done for the company and you would know your worth. Believe in yourself, no one will believe you until you believe in yourself. Be passionate, be positive. Think what you can do more, think what you can work out on, think what will you be after today, or next week, or next month, in 1 year, in 5 years and even in 10 years. Have a positive outlook, and positive life will come unto you.

And this is another turning point of having the passion back in my work. The passion of sharing and motivating people in the company that they can do better and they are destined to be great in one way or another as anybody in the world.


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