I Still Think It Works!
My last relationship is a long distance relationship, now I'm single. So, did it work? For me, no! But do I believe long distance relationship works? Yes, it does.
But why am I single now? If I believe it works then I would still be with her, right? But I'm not. So, why is it that I still believe in something that broke me? Here's the truth!
Long distance relationships work when the parties involved trust each other that no one would be able to break their trust in the other one. Trusting wholeheartedly. When the trust is given to the person you love, it is unconditional. It is you and your partner who would know each other, believe that your partner is serious about you and if this trust is broken by a third party then it is believed to be true, then the problem arises.
So, the second one is connect with trust, which is faith. You need to have faith in each other that both are sharing common goals in life to eventually be together the rest of your lives. Faith in each other is higher than trust for me. It's like your faith in God, it's insurmountable. Have God in your lives and believe, long distance relationship would work. Lack of this, will bring your foundation down and you'll always look for answers that in the first place, you should not be questioning your relationship.
Keeping your promises, it's important to keep promises. No matter how hard it is, whether it is delayed or on time, keep you promise. You may argue that a delayed promise is a broken promise. Well, there are things that may have happened, circumstances that may happen that you have no control of. So, this is where the trust and faith comes in. We see to it a promise must be of certain time and date given, but when let's be true to ourselves, are we always on time with our appointments? Do we at times have delays in our work? If so, it's the same. As long as you keep the promise, it is a promise.
Communication is an overrated topic, because no matter how you talk with each other, day and night, text messaging, skype, video chats and sorts, sometimes it's the three things above that are the most important things in a long distance relationship. Communication is important, but trust, faith and keeping promises is critical. At times, even people who are not in a long distance relationship, would not be able to talk with each other on a daily basis, but still couples would be fine with it. Though I know it's important, but it's just overrated.
I still believe it works, I know it's hard, but still it works.
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